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Apr 19, 2009

© Copyright Roy Philipose 2024. All rights reserved.

CollegeTruths by Roy Philipose
1) College is a business with no guarantee.
2) Students secure the college's future.
3) Students take the risk and college gets the reward.
4) Student loans are non dis-chargeable. You still owe regardless.
5) Starting salaries are going down, while tuition is going up.
6) College is recommended, not required for success.
7) College counselors are mostly sales representatives.
8) College is a casino. Students gamble on their future.
9) School doesn't guarantee your success. You guarantee theirs.
10) College will only boast about the few students who do well.
11) When you are done with school, school is done with you.
12) Many graduates have low paid jobs or no job at all.
13) Students can educate themselves at the general bookstore.
14) College doesn't acknowledge the Real Truth.
15) Students can start in sales without a college degree.
16) Going to school doesn't guarantee a job, salary, or success.
17) Starting salaries for most graduates is $25,000 a year.
18) About half of all students don't even graduate on time.
19) Students will spend a fortune to earn minimum wage.
20) There are more college graduates out there than good jobs.

(C) 2009, 2014 Roy Philipose. All rights reserved. Standard Disclaimer Applies.

Fox News - "The College Scam"
ABC 20/20 - "College is a Rip Off"
Student Loan Justice - Site
"Accepted" College Movie
My "College Truth I" - Video

About Me
I went to college for many years because I thought I had to. In the end, I came out no better than before. I would like to thank the many who told me to go and stay.
Roy Philipose, Entrepreneur
Author, The Future Capitalist

School List
I helped these schools (
CCP, Temple, Drexel, LaSalle) become very successful. When I needed help, they didn't care at all.

January 2025

College was the biggest scam that I fell victim to. I lost a lot of time and money with that. All I got from college was a big bill and bad credit. I never got a "good job" ever. Everyone who told me to go and stay in college was dead wrong.

(rap verse)
/ The biggest scam I fell victim to was college itself. I'm learning now how to provide for myself.
That is the most important thing to learn. Basic skills will help you earn.
It is not necessary for a college degree. Because Plan B is not guaranteed. /

College Truth content will be coming out soon.

Roy Philipose, BA

May 2024

The #1 skill to learn is how to provide for yourself. 

School never taught me that. 

December 2023

College Truth
Plan A: Dream Job
Plan B: Comfort Job (most people settle here)
Plan C: Secure Job
Plan D: Starter Job
Plan F: No Job


November 2023

I will try to create "College Truth" content when I get a chance.


College was the worst investment I have ever made. The return on investment (ROI) has been highly negative. 

The pursuit of college has failed to bring me any meaningful employment or prosperity. 

Roy Philipose, BA, SNHU 2022

Mar. 5, 2022

I graduated from SNHU in January 2022. I received my Bachelor of Arts (BA). I transferred all of the credits I received from the four schools I previously attended, took another ten classes because of the transfer requirement, and graduated. 


I still have federal student loans that I took out back in 1995 and I intend to pay them back when I die. Your federal student loans will be discharged after your death. 

I have the loans currently in deferment and/or in forbearance. There are also $0 payment plans that I will look at if I qualify. 

If needed, I only recommend federal student loans vs. private student loans. Because you will have more options and flexibility with repayment if you take out federal loans.


College Truth Videos should be out in a few months.

Roy Philipose

Nov. 8, 2021

Based on everyone else's advice to attend college, I borrowed at least $100K to pay for it. The borrowed amount: $66K in outstanding federal debt and $35K in defaulted private debt. 

I will receive my bachelor's degree soon. But it has come at a very high price. 

Future Investors and Entrepreneurs do not need to go to college. They go out and do their thing. 

My parents felt guilty. 
The schools I previously attended did not.

Roy Philipose

Nov. 7, 2021

I can't believe that I am going to graduate from college. It's like a miracle. Completing my degree is for my mother who wanted me to get one so badly.

The "College Truth" videos will be coming sometime in 2022. 

Aug 11, 2021

Common questions about school:

1) Should I go to college?
2) How do I pay for college?
3) What should I major in?
4) Why I am in college?
5) What if I want to drop out?
6) What if I don't complete the program?
7) What happens after graduation?

I plan to answer these questions early next year in 2022. 
If anyone needs more personal advice, we can set up a coaching session.

Aug 5, 2021

This is an example of using the Grants, Scholarships, Reimbursements, and Income Sharing (GSRI) Method of paying for school.

You want to get "paid by taking the risk" versus "paying to take the risk."
I think Target and other companies offering better tuition reimbursement is great.

Update: July 2021

I have started college coaching services at RP Coaching.
Update: May 2021

I plan to finish my BA by year-end. It has been difficult, but the end is near. 
Update: July 2020

I am enrolled in the online BA program at SNHU. I had switched over to BA from BS, which has made a big difference for me. My goal is finish up later this year to further my career in finance. I plan to offer additional college advice afterwards. 
Update (Nov 2014)

I wanted to include some facts and figures. This will help you understand why I put up this page and made the college truth videos. 

Years attempted college (undergrad 93-05) 12y FT
Total credits earned (college credits) 120 cr

Total student debt outstanding (federal) $61K

Total tuition spent (formal education) $120K
Total gross earnings (past 20 years) $120K
Return of investment (job earnings) 0

As you can see, the above numbers don't look very good. I also left out the defaulted private student debt (which made my credit bad for many years). That is the danger of pushing people to go to school when they don't want to go in the first place. And of course, the PPP (Parents, Professionals (advisers), and Politicians) doesn't want to be held accountable. If members of the PPP wants kids to go and stay in college so badly, than they should pay for most of it...not part of it.

So far, college was the dumbest investment I have ever made. I would have done better, if I kept my fast food and retail job I had 20 years ago. At minimum I would have grossed $500K, over the next 20 years, instead of only $120K. I have grossed more from the stock market than the college market. You don't need to stay in college if you want to be an artist, investor, or entrepreneur.

My college adviser, Diana Estrada of Temple University, should be proud. Back in 1997/98, she told me a few times not to 'drop out'. I recently called her up and she repeated the same thing. She has done well for herself (Plan B). I haven't. She should be proud. But that's the game. And you are playing one.

Years of college has made me poorer, not richer. That is why I complain so much about it. For you students though, college might turn out to be a good investment. College does have a purpose. But that is the gamble that you are going to take. Hopefully, you play it smart.

Note: I plan to release an extended "College Truth 2" FAQ (advice) in a separate blog posting. The FAQ will help with questions like: How should I pay for school? Should I go to college? Should I stay in college? What should I major in? Etc....

Copyright Roy Philipose 2020.